parallax background

I am a psychotherapist, supervisor and teacher of the profession

I hold an MA in Psychology (University of Warsaw); I am a Gestalt psychotherapist accredited by the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT; Psychotherapist Certificate number: #20-2422) and a supervisor trained at Relational Change, UK (Diploma in Relational Psychotherapeutic Supervision). I am also certified as a therapist in helping individuals representing gender, sexual diversity and regarding forms of romantic and/or sexual relationships by Pink Therapy, UK (Advanced Accredited Therapist). In addition, I teach psychological help — especially psychotherapy — in Poland (Śląskie Centrum Psychoterapii i Treningu Gestalt, Katowice — Silesian Centre for Gestalt Psychotherapy and Coaching in Katowice) and abroad (Pink Therapy, UK and Nederlandse Stichting Gestalt, the Netherlands). I systematically take part in training and workshops in order to know and be able to do more, hence help more and more effectively. I work in Polish and English, offline and online. My psychotherapeutic and supervision practice is subject to regular supervision.

I specialise in providing help and support in difficulties related to sexuality (biological sex and gender identity), sexuality and sex

I primarily help LGBT+ people. I am professionally trained for such work. I have received training in this specific field, and have devoted a significant part of my own psychotherapy to working in the area of my own gender and sexuality. I am certified as a therapist (advanced version; accrediting body: Pink Therapy, UK) in psychological support for people representing identity diversity in relation to gender, sexuality and forms of romantic and/or sexual relationships. I continue to further my education in the LGBT+ field. I publish (chapters in books, articles) and lecture on this topic.

I was the editor of the "LGBTQIA Psychology and Psychotherapy" section in the e-Bulletin of the Warsaw Local Branch of the Polish Psychological Association. I co-chair the Gender & Sexual Diversity working group of the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy and am a fellow of London-based Pink Therapy. Pink Therapy is the UK's largest independent organisation providing psychological support to LGBT+ people and training professionals in the field. My role at Pink Therapy is primarily related to the training of professionals and is of a supervisory and lecturing nature. I am also a member of the Scientific Council of the Queer Social Research Centre of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw.


I accept and respect diversity

LGBT+ issues opened me up to the subject of gender, sexual and relational diversity in general. In addition to lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, my office soon started to be visited by people who were intersex, asexual, practicing kink (including BDSM), or consensual non-monogamy, among others.
About me

I know and understand your world

My LGBT+ specialisation gives me the chance to know and understand your world well. I think that for the beginning of a joint venture like psychotherapy, this sounds really promising and gives hope for your change.
About me

I am up to date

Yes, I am up to date. Remember, I don't stop educating myself about LGBT+! :) You ask about chemsex — I get it, about gender transition — I get this, about demisexuality — I get that, about living with HIV — I get that too... In all seriousness, there is probably a lot I don't know, but I am learning a lot so that we can work well together.
About me

I talk openly about sex

An important point: I talk openly about sex or the lack of it. I mention it because sex is taboo in our culture (even though it is present everywhere; such a paradox). Psychotherapists often don't talk about it either. And yet sex, or the lack of it, is usually an important issue in life. It would be a shame not to talk about it.