I am a psychotherapist, supervisor and teacher of the profession
I hold an MA in Psychology (University of Warsaw); I am a Gestalt psychotherapist accredited by the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT; Psychotherapist Certificate number: #20-2422) and a supervisor trained at Relational Change, UK (Diploma in Relational Psychotherapeutic Supervision). I am also certified as a therapist in helping individuals representing gender, sexual diversity and regarding forms of romantic and/or sexual relationships by Pink Therapy, UK (Advanced Accredited Therapist). In addition, I teach psychological help — especially psychotherapy — in Poland (Śląskie Centrum Psychoterapii i Treningu Gestalt, Katowice — Silesian Centre for Gestalt Psychotherapy and Coaching in Katowice) and abroad (Pink Therapy, UK and Nederlandse Stichting Gestalt, the Netherlands). I systematically take part in training and workshops in order to know and be able to do more, hence help more and more effectively. I work in Polish and English, offline and online. My psychotherapeutic and supervision practice is subject to regular supervision.

I specialise in providing help and support in difficulties related to sexuality (biological sex and gender identity), sexuality and sex
I primarily help LGBT+ people. I am professionally trained for such work. I have received training in this specific field, and have devoted a significant part of my own psychotherapy to working in the area of my own gender and sexuality. I am certified as a therapist (advanced version; accrediting body: Pink Therapy, UK) in psychological support for people representing identity diversity in relation to gender, sexuality and forms of romantic and/or sexual relationships. I continue to further my education in the LGBT+ field. I publish (chapters in books, articles) and lecture on this topic.
I was the editor of the "LGBTQIA Psychology and Psychotherapy" section in the e-Bulletin of the Warsaw Local Branch of the Polish Psychological Association. I co-chair the Gender & Sexual Diversity working group of the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy and am a fellow of London-based Pink Therapy. Pink Therapy is the UK's largest independent organisation providing psychological support to LGBT+ people and training professionals in the field. My role at Pink Therapy is primarily related to the training of professionals and is of a supervisory and lecturing nature. I am also a member of the Scientific Council of the Queer Social Research Centre of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw.